
Through a creative newsletter I am subscribed to, I was recently informed of a composable css/scss based animation/transition framework. Currently it can be used via css, scss, vue.js and the react.js implementation is soon to be released.

AnimXYZ website screen shot

It just so happened I was starting to work on transitions for the project I’m currently building, so was perfect timing. Essentially it abstracts away from key-frames in css and saves a load of time. Using predefined attributes and values you quickly attach animations to elements and can nest them to work alongside a parent element’s animation. Furthermore, they have made each part of an animation customisable, allowing you to create your own specification. This is done via AnimXYZ css values attached to a custom css rule.

I am loving it, especially as it’s saving me a load of time and making more complex animations so much more accessible. It is for sure worth a go, I believe I will use it from now on!

Twitter Likes/Faves

development, projects

Now that Christmas is over I have decided to get on with my next project. Like the bookmarks tool I made, I am utilising another information source to create a tool for quicker/more visible development information. I have always used twitter as another source of information when it comes to programming/development work as it tends to highlight new and interesting updates in the dev world. Essentially I am going to gather the favourite/likes of a user to display via a user search.

To do so I have needed to apply for twitter API access. Luckily I was approved very quickly. However, it did take a bit of reading to make sure I got my application written correctly.

I intend to use bootstrap along with react in order to create a single page tool whilst gaining more insight with bootstrap as a CSS framework. First I’ll get it to search for a user’s likes and I may add extra features later if all goes well. For example, adding other people’s likes to my own account, therefore, saving for later reference.

React and MySQL


Recently I have taken a closer look at hooking up a React app to a MySQL database. Mainly so I have a better understanding of alternatives to local storage or an app that relies on a running express server to hold persisting data.

So far through the use of node.js, the ‘mysql‘ package, and Wampserver, I have gotten a local MySQL database to connect with the react app. Doing so has allowed me to practice querying and creating a database, creating tables, inserting information, and selecting information from the database.

Next, I’m aiming to connect it to my website server instead of just a local connection. Then I can really get to grips with manipulating stored data for future projects and potentially CMS creation.