The NLP app (natural language processing) was produced for the fourth Udacity FEND ‘nanodegree’ project. It is a single page app that utilises an external NLP API to evaluate a news article via a URL. Once the URL has been evaluated the relevant data is parsed and displayed in the UI. It displays the language used, the polarity of the text and a summarised version of the article. The app uses Webpack to package and optimise the project and service workers to display a cached version of the page should the server / internet not be available. I also added regex validation for the URL and various forms of error handling for user and system errors.
This project was an exercise in the use and implementation of build tools, in this case Webpack. It allowed me the opportunity to use various dependencies / packages to optimise and automate both production and development environments. It also incorporated the use of other technologies including: HTML, SASS / CSS, JavaScript, Git.
I completed / passed this project prior to the deadline and made sure it worked across all major screen sizes.